稱呼:Miss Kong |
性別:女 |
聯絡資料: Tel/Whatsapp:51830131 |
Email:[email protected] |
可補年級:幼稚園, 小一至小六, 中一至中三, 中四至中六, 大專或以上 |
可補科目:中文 Chinese Langauge, 英文 English Langauge, 數學 Mathematics (core), 通識 Liberal Studies, 中國歷史 Chinese History, 歷史 History, 中國文學 Chinese Literature, 英國文學 English Literature |
I possess a BA Translation degree in Hong Kong Baptist University and I have been working as a full-time tutor for over 10 years. Now I am teaching K2 - S3 students from different well-known schools including Wah Yan, Raimondi, St Paul Girls, ESF Intern |